PTA heads cite dangers


Our children are students at the public schools in Malibu. Their education is a top priority for our families and a frequent topic of discussion in our homes and community. Recently, we have become deeply concerned about Proposition 76. Supporters have said that this initiative is vital to reforming state government, but what it really does is hurt our children and our schools.

By overturning the voter approved Proposition 98, the minimum funding guarantee for California’s schools will be cut by over $4 billion every year. This would result in a reduction of $600 for every K-12 student in California, leading to more overcrowded classrooms, teacher layoffs, and fewer textbooks and classroom materials.

Our children deserve better. All California’s students deserve better. The threat that Proposition 76 poses to our schools is very real and frightening. We sincerely hope voters in California will reject this dangerous initiative on November 8.

Heather Anderson

PTSA president, Malibu High School

Wendy Sidley and Leslie Frost

PTA co-presidents, Webster

Stacy Clunies

PTA president, Cabrillo

Colleen Baum

PTA president, Pt. Dume