Include Malibu’s concerns in parks plan


The SMMC should be praised for preserving large areas of precious natural habitat in Malibu. Their proposed amendment to the Malibu Local Coastal Plan (LCP) seeks to increase public access to these areas, including day use and camping. Many Malibu citizens favor establishment of a connected trail system for pedestrian, bike and equestrian traffic. The contentious issue is the cost of this access to the residents of Malibu in the character and safety of their neighborhoods. This includes the significant risks to the wildlife residents who face threats from drought, fire and shrinking habitat. Camping should be considered only after a needs assessment, and only in locations with negligible fire risk and 24 hour ranger supervision. Expansion of camping in already established state parks should also be explored as an alternative. The SMMC needs to demonstrate that it is willing to dedicate the resources necessary to maintain existing and proposed enhancements, and limit them to recreational use. Our Malibu City Council worked with the SMMC to submit their plan as an LCP amendment, rather than as a Public Works Plan to give the citizens of Malibu a greater voice. The Council should be applauded for these efforts, and for the community meeting they have organized for this Saturday to provide an opportunity for more discussion. A Malibu parks plan must include serious consideration of fire dangers, damage to habitat and wildlife by overuse, and avoidance of public access over private roads when other alternatives are available. Malibu’s parks are there for all to enjoy, but they must be protected from damage that can destroy them forever. We should all work together constructively to create a parks plan that incorporates the concerns of Malibu citizens while providing responsible public access.

Judy Villablanca