Letter: High School Health Concerns

Letter to the Editor

The concern over basic health conditions at Malibu High School is very overdue. 

Personally I have witnessed the abject filth on the floor of the locker and shower room. In the last year and a half that I have been priviledged to use the clean community swimming pool, I have been appalled at the lack of maintenence (as in never any water with cleaning solution) applied to the girls locker room or shower stalls. Of the three showers that actually work (out of a bank of about 12), there are several distinguishable molds growing on the floors and tile walls and the drains are often clogged with waste and other debris. This June when the kids left school, the floor was not swept once for months until days before the opening of school. It is very distressing. 

If basic maintenance is ignored in the locker room and the showers, then it may be a good place to start in the massive clean up effort the overall campus seems to demand. Everyone’s health is affected, and cleanliness standards the children should be learning have been ignored. 

Thank you for your continued coverage of this story. 

P.S. The overall look of the campus is one of a prison institution. Where are the gardens, plants and solar panels? 

Stephanie Jo Smith