OLM School Offers First-Ever Comic Class

The OLM School Sequential Story students pose with their final projects. Pictured, from left, front row: Caitlin Flynn, Rachel DeAngelis, Ashlyn Kunerth, Bella Manera and Jillian Neuner; back row: Calvin Joyce, Quinn Conway, Kamilla Peters and Sabrina Dion

Our Lady of Malibu School students participated in the first-ever Sequential Story elective. The new elective covers comic book art and was offered to students in the first trimester of this school year. The course was taught by Coach Meyers, a one-time aspiring comic book artist. 

The six-week program taught students how to story, pencil, ink, color and letter. Also part of the course were lessons in character development, facial expression and color contrast. Students learned new terms, including panels, world balloons, thought balloons and sound effects.