Letter: Henry Stern for Senate

Letter to the Editor

I would like to share with you why I am supporting Henry Stern for State Senate. I first met Henry when he was 14 years old. I had just moved to Malibu from Burbank, where I created and ran Holocaust programs in the schools to teach students about the Holocaust.

Stern called me on his own initiative to ask for my help in setting up a program for his Malibu school, and I provided him with Holocaust survivors and guidance. He had incredible leadership skills, even then age at 14. I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. He said, “I want to be president!” Just between us, I’d like to see him as president. Electing him our state senator would be a good beginning.

This is a very important campaign because Henry will be replacing State Senator Fran Pavley now that she will be termed out. He served as her senior advisor and she endorsed him as her successor in our 27th district. He has also written important legislation for her. He has worked as counsel to Congressman Henry Waxman and is supported by so many leaders and groups. 

We are supporting Henry because he is sincere, passionate and a fighter for everything we believe in. He is an environmental attorney and activist concerned with climate change legislation, pollution and polluters, our water crisis, fracking education and much more. He is one of the foremost experts on Porter Ranch and cleaning up the gas leak. 

There is a Hebrew expression “Tikkun Olom,” which means, “to create a better world.” We believe this is what Henry is all about and that is why we are supporting him. We hope you will vote for him.

Ellie & Gil Somerfield.