Voice from the past


Anyone recognizing this postcard may be the one I’m looking for. I lived and worked in the Colony coffee shop for many years back in the ’70s until 1980 when we left the Malibu area. I just wanted to say this is Christina “Tina” Bartlett saying “aloha” to all. I was sitting on my beach in Kauai here in January 2004 and a gal came by. She said, “I live in Malibu and run the Malibu Tennis and Riding club!” She knew tons of folks I knew- Marty and Vickie Cooper, and the Derns, Bruce and Andy, and the Stiegers, Rod and Sherrie, both dead now. We had such a great visit and I wanted to say hello to them and, yes, I’m living happily ever after here in Paradise. Marty always said, “When is some nice guy going to come and take you away from all this.” Well, Marty, they did. It’s 27 years now and thanks for always loving me there and you, too, Andy and Bruce. I can be reached at tinaswesties@msn.com or we are in the Kauai book as the Bartletts, Kent and Christina. I’d like to know you are all good and happy in the ‘Bu still. Email me, I would love to hear from you. My son, Toban, is still in Pt. Dume, doing home inspections. Aloha.

Christina Bartlett