

    Astrology forecast for Feb. 27-March. 12

    By Cortney Litwin/Staff Writer

    A tremendous spiritual wake-up call is announced when Uranus, the planet of enlightenment, finally transits into altruistic Pisces on March 10. For the next eight years we’ll be challenged to pay attention to Spirit for insights about making our planet a better place for everyone. The “we are all one” philosophy is intensified by the New Moon in Pisces on March 2.

    On a more personal note, Mercury’s merger with quicksilver Uranus around March 4 produces electrifying ideas. And optimism prevails in romance when Venus collides with vivacious Jupiter on March 9 and 10, while the idealistic Neptune-Venus rendezvous assures that at least some matches will be made in Heaven.

    If you know your rising sign from your time of birth, read that also.

    Aries (March 21-April 19)

    Initiate new business opportunities after your Mars ruler transits into practical Capricorn on March 4. However, Uranus in Pisces as well as the New Moon urge you to take some quiet time to broaden your spiritual horizons.

    Taurus (April 20-May 20)

    Your Venus ruler travels into unconventional Aquarius territory beginning March 2, instigating spontaneity, with a dose of fantasy from Neptune. The New Moon along with Uranus in Pisces highlight altruistic endeavors through groups.

    Gemini (May 21-June 21)

    A flash of inspiration during the Mercury-Uranus merger could change your life down the road, so stay tuned. The Sun’s dance with Pluto could bring a career shift, with additional incentive from the New Moon and Uranus.

    Cancer (June 22-July 22)

    Moonchildren receive insights about their future during the New Moon and Uranus’s transit into Pisces. An unexpected trip is a possibility, while the Mercury-Uranus connection brings a psychic awakening.

    Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

    Personal transformation-getting rid of unnecessary attitudes, stuff or people-is urged during Uranus’ travels through Pisces and heightened during the New Moon. Power issues may may surface when your Sun ruler battles with controlling Pluto.

    Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

    An unexpected turn of events inspires a new direction, possibly in your work, when your Mercury ruler gets a jolt from Uranus. The New Moon teams up with Uranus in Pisces to wake up your relationship, or bring in someone unusual.

    Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

    Dreamy Neptune entices your Venus ruler to new romantic heights but challenges you to keep your clarity. Uranus and the New Moon in Pisces bring changes in your work and inspire an altruistic plan of action.

    Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

    Your creativity hits the stratosphere during the New Moon and Uranus’ travels through Pisces. Your love life won’t be dull either, and could involve someone whose background or values differ from yours.

    Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

    Family activities are highlighted during the New Moon, and Uranus in Pisces indicates a major homelife change in your near future. Your Jupiter ruler dancing with the planet of love inspires a romantic adventure-and overindulgence.

    Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

    Your Saturn ruler turning direct indicates your plans can now move forward after months of dragging your feet. The New Moon and Uranus in Pisces awaken brilliant ideas-go for the unconventional for a change.

    Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

    Your Uranus ruler moving into Pisces awakens your need to save humanity, while the New Moon increases your finances. Venus in Aquarius awakens romance. And Mercury entwined with Uranus inspires dazzling communications.

    Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

    Brilliant flashes of spiritual guidance and creativity are assured as Uranus moves into your sign-it’s time to show the world what you’re made of. The New Moon also in Pisces heralds a new beginning in your personal life.