Bending The Rules


I finally agree with the proponents of BHP Billiton’s proposed Liquefied Natural Gas facility (Cabrillo Port). I attended the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) public hearing on BHP’s air permit Monday, June 5, and realized the issue really is NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard): 279 tons of air pollution right in our back yards!

According to the EPA, Cabrillo Port would annually emit nearly 279 tons of various air pollutants, including 66.05 tons of nitrogen oxide.

What doesn’t make sense to me is that EPA decided the more stringent rules that apply to new sources of air pollution in Ventura County’s onshore non-attainment area would not apply to Cabrillo Port. Cabrillo Port would be located just 14 miles from the Ventura County onshore non-attainment area (an area where pollutants are restricted), but 18 miles from Anacapa Island.

Am I the only one who notices the wind blowing from the west towards the shore (away from Anacapa Island)? Now, that’s just bending the rules so they can pollute our back yard.

Jill A. Singer