Dear Governor


Here you go again, Arnold, trying to legislate morality. Sure, you got enough signatures from paid solicitors who could not explain or understand the petition they hawked at the supermarkets. I would not sanction an abortion. However, since I cannot become pregnant, I believe the choice is strictly for the woman that can.

Before Roe vs. Wade, a pregnant teen who confided in her parents was sent on a “vacation,” perhaps with a distant relative, until delivery, and the child placed for adoption. The ones who were fearful of parental condemnation would, via the grape vine, find a solution to this problem. I knew a girl who traded a back room abortion for a lifetime of infertility.

Your petition is the first in an attempt to repeal Roe vs. Wade by those who would impose their narrow beliefs on the rest of us in the name of “life is sacred” and regression to the sad days of yesteryear when illegal abortions were often performed by incompetents.

Arnold, you weren’t sent to Sacramento to legislate morality, and with all that money you made flexing pecs, couldn’t you have spent some on speech therapy and elocution lessons? I hope they never change the Constitution to enable you to run for President.

Bill Hoppe