Dad gets just reward


Your front-page coverage of the presentation of The Father of the Year Award to Mr. Ed Harris at the Trancas Riders and Ropers Annual Awards Banquet (held Sunday, January 23 at The Malibu Inn) was excellent. While the evening was filled with all of the kids getting a variety of ribbons and awards (which they justly deserved), we all know that this wouldn’t be possible without the never-ending help from their Moms. But what about that unique family member that usually gets all of the crummy jobs and ends up paying the bills, namely Dad? Over the years, Ed has been an outstanding example of just what a great Dad can be and we were honored to recognize his selfless contributions to his family, to TR&R and to the Malibu community.

As Malibu’s oldest community service organization, TR&R has supported both the youngsters and oldsters of Malibu for 53 years and we want to thank The Malibu Times for your on-going coverage of our events

Also there was another individual at the event that we have had the pleasure of working with for many years. For her work in founding and running the Compton Jr. Posse, Mrs. Mayisha Akbar was recently named the California Woman of the Year. Her organization uses horses to provide the inner city youth a positive alternative to Guns and Gangs. Each year, TR&R provides complimentary space for her kids at the Annual Horse Fair (this year, June 5 at the Civic Center) and the Compton Jr. Posse is always welcome at all of our Horse Shows, held regularly at the Malibu Equestrian Park.

Your photographer, Chad Uyeno, is to be commended for a superb job in covering this event and we look forward to seeing more of Chad at our activities during the coming year.

Rod Bergen, president

Trancas Riders and Ropers,