Days Remain to Vote on Bluffs Park Design Alternatives

One possible design for the Malibu Bluffs Parkland design

Three designs have been drawn up, and it is now Malibu residents’ chance to give their input on the best new plan for Malibu Bluffs Park by taking an online survey through Friday, Jan. 29. 

The Bluffs Parkland Project Environmental Impact Report (EIR) covers 83 acres of undeveloped space and 10 acres of developed park space that will be home to recreational amenities, including soccer and baseball fields, basketball courts, a public pool and aquatic center, an amphitheater, skate and dog parks, multiuse trails, and a multigenerational community center. 

These park design priorities were approved by City Council on Oct. 14, 2015, and the three designs — Alternatives A, B, and C — were formed using input from a community outreach that involved public meetings, workshops, focus groups and surveys. Community input is again needed on the three alternatives in order for a final park design that is to be submitted for City Council review. 

Residents can access the Bluffs Parkland Survey as well as view design alternative maps and more project information at A design alternatives and park amenities comparison summary is also available. 

Survey results and the three designs will be presented at the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting on Feb. 19, and all community members are encouraged to attend.