‘Every 15 Minutes’ to Screen at City Hall

Kelsey Holmes, one of the students involved in the mock accident at the assembly at MHS, is shown being taken out of the car with Jaws of Life and loaded onto a stretcher.

Two months ago, Malibu High School hosted a two-day educational event where students participated in a simulation designed to alert students to the real consequences of drinking and driving. Students, parents and volunteers coordinated the display, which included emergency personnel, a car accident, and MHS parents eulogizing their children after their simulated death.

Those who missed it have a chance to learn about the program at a screening of “Every 15 Minutes,” which will take place at the Malibu Civic Theater, located at 23825 Stuart Ranch Road, on May 13 at 7 p.m. The video will include selected scenes from the staged memorial service at MHS. The screening will be followed for a Q&A with the director, student participants and counselors.

An additional screening will take place Tuesday, May 12 at 7 p.m. at the Malibu High School Theatre, located at 30215 Morning View Dr. The film is approximately 40 minutes long and free to attend. Â