‘Spiteful’ attack on mayor


    In my opinion, letters written by people like Mr. Carmichael attacking the mayor without justification is just a spiteful action from a mean person, especially after the mayor had to publically explain that a parent’s uninsured health care costs had depleted family’s resources, furthermore Mr. Carmichael is not a party to any financial, or legal transactions concerning Hasse.

    As I recall, Mr. Hasse’s traffic tickets did NOT involve a DUI, had NOTHING to do with speeding or reckless driving. If Mr. Hasse and two other councilmembers voted against speed humps, then perhaps Mr. Carmichael should consider that the MAJORITY of his neighbors on Point Dume did NOT favor the speed humps in the first place, according to responses in the media and council meetings.

    When I watch Mayor Hasse on TV or read his comments in the newspapers, he is a very level-headed person, unlike his critics who, in Carmichael’s manner, are so quick to discredit those they disagree with.

    Like Mr. Hasse, I too, once supported Walt Keller and Carolyn Van Horn. But it soon came apparent to me that they were extremely close-minded people who only listen to a small clique of a handful people in Malibu. These are the same people that put out the shameful videos. They run negative ads in the other newspaper. Same people that circulate petitions telling us to stop development forever, as if the law would permit such a thing given the fifth amendment.

    If, for no other reason, Hasse has my support because he had the courage to stand up to these people,including Keller and Van Horn, who he once supported and said enough is enough. He doesn’t pull out “pie in the sky” schemes like 100-acre wetlands or manufactured flood plains on properties of people he doesn’t like. He puts forth real solutions that often involve compromise and negotiation. With Keller and Van Horn we would have gotten more of NOTHING.

    Mr. Hasse has taken care of his personal finances and I wish well for his family’s health. Hasse is doing great as an elected official and for once we have a City Council that accomplishes tasks for the good the the Malibu majority.

    James “Scottie” Scott