From FM 99.1 … KBUU News … Monday Jan 11


= Hospitals overflowing … the Christmas surge about to arrive.

= Did Californians hear the pleas of doctors and nurses to stay home? This week will tell.

= Worries that a small number of COVID 19 tests done by the county may return a false positive.

= But we don’t know if any of the misleading tests were used in the Malibu drive thru tests.

= Bruce Silverstein is strangling city hall with memos and document requests … says the city manager.

= He says he has a mandate to shake things up … he calls the city manager memo “lies” and is threatening a lawsuit.

= New council member Paul Grisanti is asking for limitations … on how much any one city councilman can tie up the city staff.

We’re all news all morning … simply tune 99.1 FM or click the box and follow the links to stream:

KBUU News is broadcast on the radio 6 times every weekday, on 99.1FM in western Malibu, and streaming everywhere at : At 7:15 and 7:45, 8:15 and 8:45, 9:15 and 12 noon.

Major news stories are posted later in the day at the KBUU Newswire, the Malibu Times website, and on Facebook and Nextdoor.