Hot Wheels and Waves

The Hot Wheels 50th Anniversary Special Eddition Camaro SS makes a special appearance at the May Wheels & Waves event Sunday morning.

This month’s Wheels and Waves car event at the Malibu Country Mart included a special treat for local automotive entusiasts—a visit from the Hot Wheels 50th Anniversary Special Edition Camaro SS.

While the Chevy Camaro is one of the most iconic sports cars ever made, Hot Wheels has also earned its place in the hearts of generations of young car lovers over the past half-century.

This year, 50 years after Hot Wheels released its first set of 16 miniature cars—which included a Chevy Camaro—the two longtime partners came together to give the people what they want: The 50th Anniversary Hot Wheels Camaro.

This special edition car turned up on Sunday morning during Fireball Tim Lawrence’s monthly Wheels and Waves event here in Malibu, much to the delight of enthusiasts, many of whom attend the car gathering month after month.

Lawrence handed out Hot Wheels versions of the “orange crush” Camaro and, although the miniature version does not include the 6.2-liter V-8 VVT engine or Rack-mounted electric, power-assisted steering that come with the lifesize model, car lovers went home happy with their mementos.

Check out the next Wheels and Waves event at the Malibu Country Mart, Sunday, June 17, from 7-9 a.m.