This is KBUU News – Day 496 – the Thursday Headlines


This is KBUU News – Day 496 – the Thursday Headlines:

  • =   Drive thru Covid 19 testing available now jist ov er the hill ior up the coast.
  • =   But you have to display symptoms in order to actually get the test. 
  • =   No Covid 19 cases in Malibu yet … but no good data either.
  • =   The state needs 20 thousand hospital beds fast … 
  • =   A Navy hospital ship may not have enough doctors.
  • =   A major court victory against mowing down oak trees near Kanan Road.
  • =   And an unimaginable combination of disasters could hit Malibu this fall … what if there is a fire???


Malibu’s Only Local Daily News … from Radio Malibu  …. F-M 99 point 1 K B U U. Good morning … I’m Hans Laetz reporting.


There are no reported Covid 19 cases in Malibu.  Details:


There is drive-thru testing in Ventura County.  Details:


The hospital ship sailing to our rescue?? Not enough doctors.  Details:


A major court defeat for a huge development project just over the hill in Agoura Hills.   The California state Court of Appeal has torpedoed a big residential and commercial development in Agoura Hills.  The 8-acre project would be on the oak-studded hillside on the corner of Cornell Road at Agoura Road.  Details:


The unthinkable is being planned for in some parts of California. This scenario is possible in Malibu this fall … if not in Malibu … somewhere else in California … maybe more than once this year:


Locally … the Boys and Girls Club of Malibu is actively preparing FREE grab and go pantry bags.

They can be picked up at the Malibu High School Teen Center Mon-Thur from 10am – 1pm.

The Boys and Girls Club is also providing FREE shopping services and groceries for seniors and our most vulnerable families.  

This FREE service is being provided by BGCM staff and generous community donations. 

If you know of a family or senior in need, please have them reach out today by calling the Boys and Girls Club of Malibu … 310-457-2582 … or e-mailing .


California State Parks closed all campgrounds Wednesday because of the coronavirus, but hiking trails and beaches remain open. Outdoor spaces also remain open in local and national parks, but many services have been suspended.


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … F-M 99 point 1 K B U U. 

Support for KBUU’s daily broadcasting … the signal on the air … comes from the Malibu Foundation … 

The KBUU solar panels and battery were paid for by the Malibu Foundation.

This has kept us on the air through storms and blackouts … 24/7 .. on clean … renewable solar power.


Traffic … in 65 seconds … first … 


Weather for the Malibu ….

((((     )))) … highs  ((((     )))) beaches … ((((      )))) mountains and canyons. 

Downcoast winds …  (((    )))) miles per hour this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((       )))).

After that … (((    )))) tonight … low ((((    )))) beaches …  ((((   )))) mountains and canyons.

Tomorrow should be   ((((    much the same    )))).

Right now here at the KBUU studios in Trancas … it’s  ((((       )))) degrees.

Leo Carrillo beach … (((    ))).

Paradise Cove … (((    ))).

Big Rock … (((    ))).

In upper Malibu Canyon … (((    ))).

Calabasas … (((    ))).

And Civic Center L-A … (((    ))).


The KBUU Newswire is posted midmornings … at and at the websites.

Remember…  breaking news always  goes first to the radio …  on F-M 99 point 1 over all of Malibu….

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