Poem Corner



the moon decided to turn itself inside out 

and the hard packed dust 

of decisions past was set free 

and that wound 

we pretend not to share 

was laid bare 

be. careful.

she’s more than aware

it’s about to get more intense than just her 

nightly luminous stare 

this time:

no comet to ride – no eclipse to wait out 

her light turned up super bright 

and those freshly landed moon cinders 

lay there like blank pages for her to write 

about the fright 

that still f— you up at night 

causing her beams to bend left when they need to go right 

and bounds so tight 

that no air 

is able to penetrate 

a heart she knows is rare 

but still weak unable to accept her lifelong dare 


—Dawn deVoe


As quarantine and self-isolation continues, we have begun to notice an uptick in poetry submissions. We always accept poems for consideration and welcome our readers to share their contributions.

If you are interested in submitting a poem for possible inclusion in The Malibu Times’ print edition, you may do so by emailing it to editorial@malibutimes.com or mailing it to The Malibu Times office at 3864 Las Flores Canyon Road.