Gala Premier Party


The Malibu High School’s Shark Fund is taking on its biggest fundraising event yet, throwing a gala premiere party to celebrate the opening of the high school’s performance of the musical, “42nd Street.”

The event will take place at 5 p.m. on June 9 at a private estate across the street from the high school. Guests will enjoy cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and music provided by the Malibu High School string quartet. At 7 p.m., guests will be escorted to the school’s auditorium for the opening night premiere of the musical. Three handmade quilts created by the high school’s students, as part of the Cavigga Family Trust Quilt Project, will be auctioned off during the intermission.

“It will be a truly unusual evening-a very Malibu evening that you don’t get very often,” said parent and volunteer Marie Smith. “The whole idea is that people enjoy the ambiance of the whole place.”

With the fund still in its infancy, the program’s coordinators were hesitant to throw such a large event, Smith said. Last year’s success of “Les Miserables,” however, set the stage for an opportunity to not only showcase the school’s music department but also raise funds for the school.

“We’re hoping to benefit from the talent that we have with our music and drama departments,” Smith said.

The organizers of the Shark Fund are also hopeful that this event will begin an annual tradition of premiere parties to give the town a chance to gather and enjoy the local student’s talent.

Money raised for The Shark Fund is spent primarily on academic programs, capital improvements, equipment, materials, school supplies, etc.

Tickets for the gala are on sale for $100, and tickets for special VIP seating are $250. More information can be obtained by calling 818.881.8107.