Seeking plan for park use


    The Point Dume Marine Science Site Governance Council is writing this letter to inform the community of the specific issues that have led the school to close the campus after school and on weekends. The health and safety of the students, as well as preventing damage and neglect to the campus and surrounding grounds, were the main reasons for installing locking gates. While the school is aware of the community’s desire to enjoy the park after school and on weekends, there needs to be an adequate plan in place to manage the use of the school property during non-school times. There has been a suggestion made that would allow the grounds to be accessible when the school is not in session. Hopefully, with the help of the community, a solution can be found that meets everyone’s needs.

    The issues associated with the park are health, safety, care and maintenance of the facility. At the present time, the school and its personnel are responsible for all the cleaning, gardening and maintenance of all of the school grounds. The school does not have personnel available during the evening or on the weekends. Unfortunately, this situation has led to misuse and vandalism of the school grounds. Dog owners are not picking up after their animal, creating health and safety issues for students who step into dog droppings. Trash cans have been left overflowing with refuse left from parties, picnics, and sporting events. Teenage skateboarders and skaters have used school grounds as a skate park. This vandalism has resulted in significant damage to tables, benches and other school property. These three main problems are the reason the school felt it necessary to close the campus when school is not in session.

    The school would like to put into place a system that would help maintain the park during non-school hours so that it can continue to be made available for the community to use. We are currently working on a plan with the Point Dume Community Center and the City of Malibu to refine the details.

    Kathy Chapman Meyer


    Site Governance Board