Much too belated


    Let me see if I got this right. Seven or eight years ago, Elisabeth Binstock finds out some “friends” of hers “dognapped” a Malamute puppy. These people proceed to abuse this dog and Elizabeth notices this once a year when she visits Los Angeles. Finally, she convinces them to give her the dog, who will never be normal because of years of abuse. And Elisabeth thinks any of this information will comfort the original owners? Give me a break!

    When you see that an animal is being abused you call Animal Control to come rescue it. Or you “steal” the dog yourself and get it to safety. Or you do something other than go back to Northern California and try again a year later. That letter made me feel sick to my stomach. I too hope the original owners saw that letter and contact The Malibu Times to contact Elisabeth Binstock, to get the names of the abusers and see them punished. And, Elisabeth, as far as I’m concerned, you are as guilty as the abusers for allowing it to continue unreported.

    Kim Ledoux