In early 2004, when I first became aware of the possibility of the construction of an LNG terminal, I wrote a few letters, but I really didn’t know what to do. I then had some health problems and was unable to continue my environmental pursuits. In January, 2006, while recuperating from an operation, I read Letters to the Editor weekly and was encouraged by the anti-LNG letters that were sent in each week by Herb and Ellen Reich.
In the Buddha Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism, doshin means that people advance together while respecting each other’s individuality, situation and character, and displaying their own unique qualities to the fullest.
Perhaps Buddhism wasn’t on the minds of the many people who demonstrated against the LNG terminal, but I saw this concept become a reality and a sea of blue “rain” vanquish the evil forceful fire of BHP Billiton, when hundreds donned blue T-shirts at the California State Lands Commission Hearing and later at the Coastal Commission hearing. It was gratifying to see many different people join together to overcome a huge corporation! This event proved the importance of unity and how it can help achieve great things!
Alessandra DeClario