Letter: Unsightly sites

Letter to the Editor

I wholeheartedly agree word for word with the letter, “Site an Eyesore” from Dominic Surprenant in the April 18 issue. I e-mailed the Malibu City Council members months ago with this similar comment. These poles are hideous, not to mention what the actual structures will do to the view once they are built. I am sad driving up and down PCH, or down Malibu Canyon Road to PCH and forced to look at these ugly poles in front of the sweeping beauty of the coastline.

Malibu will be forever ugly if both this “compound” on the bluff top and “condo” hotel on the hillside below Pepperdine are built. If our Malibu leaders continue to leave the floodgates open for development, they will not only commit “visual violence,” (Mr. Surprenant’s phrase) but visual murder. Can we establish a land conservancy here? I’ll be the first to donate.

Carol Hahn