Inflammatory LCP draft


    The Coastal Commission’s LCP draft is only what it claims to be….a draft. The reaction of some individuals to this draft appears to be more inflammatory and self-serving than constructive. Specifically describing this issue as “a declaration of war” and launching personal attacks is absolutely uncalled for. It is divisive, non productive and insulting. It lacks forethought as well as common decency.

    Living with dignity, with decency and without threats, is a way which best honors one’s intelligence. The sensible thing to do is to use solid and insightful thinking to find the best solution to our Land Use problem.

    I’m sure that a lawsuit against the State of California is not in the best interest of the City of Malibu. It is surely not what our citizens deserve as being their best hope. Let’s try to deal with the Coastal Commission draft with positive energy and intelligence. Our collective input might just result in a successful outcome.

    Citizens of Malibu, let us unite toward a common cause!

    Jay Liebig