Sheriff’s Cracking Down on Canyon Speedsters

Traffic Enforcement

Numerous social media posts from the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station in the past couple weeks show image after image of imported racecars and American muscle cars pulled over on the side of Malibu’s roads, with radar guns displaying speeds above 80, 90 and even 100 miles per hour.

This is not news to Malibu’s canyon residents, whose roads are often host to car enthusiasts—many from more densely populated and built up areas of Los Angeles—taking vehicles out for a spin.

“The canyons are not a race track, please #SlowDown,” one post from Tuesday, April 28, paired with the image of a radar gun showing a speed of 92 miles per hour, said. “Not only for your safety, but for the safety of other vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians that share the roadway.”

On April 15, the account wrote, “We have increased our traffic enforcement in the canyons and along PCH,” displaying the image of a radar gun showing a vehicle clocked at 117 miles per hour.