Taken for Granted


    You printed a letter in the April 13, 2000 edition of your newspaper from Rusty Areias, director, California State Parks, to Councilman Walt Keller regarding Bluffs Park. In this letter, Mr. Areias was confused when he wrote: “State Parks purchased this land specifically for coastal viewshed and access and resource protection.” The April 13, 1979, property acquisition agreement between my family and the state of California deals with this issue. Approximately 72 acres west of Bluffs Park was sold to the state. My family donated the 18.4 acres to the east, including what is now Bluffs Park, to the state. Unfortunately, there were no strings attached to this donation that I know of. The presumption within my family was that this 90 acres would serve those things quoted above by Mr. Areias and recreation such as ball fields. Mr. Areias’ agency is even called the “Department of Parks and Recreation.” It is my family’s wish that all of these uses be accommodated on this property including ball fields.

    Grant Adamson