Malibu Locals Make Candles for a Cause

Elia Cattanese, 19, a recent graduate of Malibu High School, is a major creative force behind the candles. Although now attending cinema make-up school, she still “does a lot of candle wrapping and looks for retail outlets,” her mother said. “We run all the business ideas by her.” 

Shortly after moving to Malibu from New Jersey five years ago, the Cattanese family made a wrong turn in downtown Los Angeles that would change their lives forever. Rolling down Skid Row, they saw thousands of homeless people living on the street. 

“We were appalled,” Bobbi Cattanese, mother of the family and co-founder of the Malibu company Scents of Purpose, said. “There were mothers asking for money for food. It was like tent city down there. And they’re not just alcoholics and junkies; you see a lot of regular people that need help getting back on their feet.” 

The Skid Row area, located east of downtown and south of Little Tokyo, has a population of about 12,000, according to the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. Two-thirds live in cheap hotels, another 2,000 in shelters and the rest are homeless. 

The experience set in motion a process which led to a truly unique creation: A small business, based in tony Malibu, devoted to helping the many who live in need just a short car ride away. 

“And there I was living only 35 miles away in one of the most beautiful places in the country,” Cattanese recalled. “I had to do something.” 

Cattenese and her daughter, Elia, began handing out sandwiches, then switched to hot food. Within three months, they were serving nearly 400 people every time they went downtown. Malibu locals Kim Ledoux and Mary Gonzalez also helped as they performed the service, out of their own pockets, for three years. 

Although Bobbi and Elia wanted to continue helping the homeless, they realized they had to come up with a way of paying for food without digging any deeper into the family’s savings. 

Then a providential coincidence occurred. In 2011 Bobbi, who had been diagnosed with respiratory problems, was told by her doctor to stop burning candles at home because of the fumes. When she searched for safe, non-toxic candles to buy, she discovered there weren’t any. 

“I didn’t realize how toxic regular candles were,” Bobbi said. “When you light a candle, you don’t think of it as a health risk.” 

A thought bubbled up. If no one was selling nontoxic candles, why not make their own? Thus began a year spent learning about candle making, including a stint at a manufacturer in North Hollywood. Few candle companies actually manufacture their own candles, she found, many opting instead to put their labels on mass-produced candles from China. Most candles contain the petroleum by-product, paraffin, and synthetic scents, which are cheaper than using natural ingredients. Most large companies also use chemical additives to make the wax stick better to glass containers, burn faster, retain color and intensify the scent. 

The Cattaneses began experimenting with candle making and designs in their own garage, which they still use as their manufacturing area. Their goal was to make and sell their own artisanal candles: 100% organic soy, natural essential oils, nontoxic wicks and eco-friendly, reuseable containers and packaging. 

“We’re the only company I know that makes its own candles,” Bobbi said. 

In getting started, the Catteneses went to local doctor Lisa Benya for advice on choosing and combining essential oil fragrances with medicinal properties. Benya suggested ingredients like blood orange oil, which has been proven in studies to shrink cancer tumors. 

Daughter Elia, a recent graduate of Malibu High School, has won art awards and is a major creative force behind the candles. Although now attending cinema make-up school, she still “does a lot of candle-wrapping and looks for retail outlets,” her mother said. “We run all the business ideas by her.”

One series of long-lasting aromatherapy candles developed by the duo are named after Malibu locations such as Zuma, Las Flores, Latigo, Surfride and Point Dume. All contain a combination of oils. 

“‘Zuma’ is made of vanilla, frankincense and myrrh,” Bobbi said. “Vanilla is the aphrodisiac and the other two are for healing.” 

The candles are marketed as “wearable” candles, because as the candle burns and the wax melts, the wax can then be used as body lotion. 

Although it’s been a struggle at times to get the small business up and running, mother and daughter are still passionate about the charitable causes they have chosen to support with their candle sales— currently the California Wildlife Center, no-kill animal shelters, Pets of the Homeless and feeding the homeless. 

“We saved 37 dogs recently, and we also still take food downtown and serve it. A lot of people from Malibu have volunteered,” Bobbi said. “We served Thanksgiving dinner on Skid Row to nearly 700 people for the past four years.” 

The candles are carried in just a few Malibu retail locations, including Super Care Drugs, Cure Spa and the Malibu Beach Inn, and can be ordered by calling 424.644.0022, e-mailing scentsofpurposemalibu@gmail, or their Facebook page.