Suzanne Correll


Suzanne Correll, also known as Suzanne Segall, died of natural causes Feb. 26. She was a Malibu resident since 1967.

Correll was born in New Jersey in 1928 and studied art at Ringling Art School in Sarasota, Fla. After World War II, Correll became an animator after training at Astoria Studios. She used her creative talents to support her son, Christopher. They eventually moved to New York City, where she was an animation inker for black and white television commercials at Pelican Films.

She married composer and pianist Bernardo Segall in 1962. The family lived in Brazil and Spain in the mid 1960s, which greatly influenced her next creative career as a Malibu builder of Brazilian “facendas.”

They lived on Malibu Road, Latigo and Serra Retreat and lost everything in the 1970 fire. They rebuilt, and this helped start Correll’s career as a builder.

Acquaintances say Correll, who they affectionately called Suzie, was unique and lived her life fully. With her offbeat spark, she brightened the world of those around her, they say. More than anything, her family and friends will always have warm memories of how generous Correll was to welcome everyone in her own home. She loved people and cooking and shared those loves, along with her passion for opera, art and laughing with her granddaughter.

Correll is survived by her son, Christopher, daughter-in-law Valerie Laven-Cooper, and granddaughter Emma.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the ASPCA or Habitat for Humanity. A private memorial service will take place.