La Monte, Rosenthal, Feldman Receive League of California Cities Committee Appointments

Malibu City Hall

Mayor Lou La Monte, Council Member Laura Rosenthal and City Manager Reva Feldman are heading to the state capitol to ensure that Malibu’s concerns are heard. Established as an advocating, statewide association in 1989, the League of California Cities appointed the city representatives to serve on three separate policy committees — all of which are tasked with reviewing bills, regulatory proposals and the league’s standing policies.

“With these appointments, we continue our highly effective efforts to leverage partnerships with other small cities to give the City of Malibu a larger voice in the state,” La Monte said in a statement provided to The Malibu Times. “We can make sure that issues that are important to us here in Malibu are addressed and grow our level of local control.” 

La Monte and Rosenthal both received re-appointments to the league’s Housing, Community and Economic Development (HCED) Policy Planning Committee and the Environmental Quality Policy Committee, respectively. 

Along with the HCED committee, La Monte will continue to focus on zoning, rent control, land use regulations and other issues plaguing residential communities and economic development. Rosenthal will continue her work on the environmental committee as the current vice chair, focusing on coastal issues and utilities.

This marks Feldman’s first appointment to the league’s Public Safety Policy Committee. The city manager, along with committee members, will review federal and state legislation and make recommendations to the board about life and safety policies.