Letter: Median Matters

Letter to the Editor

This letter is addressed to City Manager Reva Feldman.

When you were first in your new position as city manager, I came in and spoke to you about the city finishing the median landscaping project which the MalibuGreenMachine started at Cross Creek to Webb Way.

I reminded you that that ValleyCrest had done designs on PCH all the way past Pepperdine. Jim Thorsen had told me that the city had acquired some $9 million in highway grants and some of this could be used on the median project. 

You said to me when we met that the city had the highway funds to complete the project and it would be done.

That was three years ago! As far as I can see, nothing has been done. The median from Webb Way up to Malibu Canyon is as nasty, scraggly, weedy and unkempt as ever.

A year ago, the Woolsey Fire changed everyone’s focus, but I brought this median completion project up to you two years before the fire.

As Bert Sperber, owner ValleyCrest and Malibu resident, reminded me when we did the project, a landscaped highway is a safer highway because landscaping has a softening, calming effect. God knows, PCH can use any and every calming effect to maximize safety.

So, where do we go from here? Who did you put in charge of following through on this?  

Thanks for an update.

Jo Giese