Malibu Unites Petitions Sen. Boxer for PCB Removal

Malibu Unites

Malibu Unites, a local advocacy group ramping up pressure on the school district over the environmental scare at Malibu High School, has started a petition that will be sent to Senator Barbara Boxer, Chair of the Environment and Public Works Committee. 

The petition is seeking at least 1,000 signatures asking Sen. Boxer to direct the EPA to enforce the federal law that requires the removal of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) of more than 50 parts per million. It also requires schools to test for PCBs, and then immediately disclose the results and remove PCBs and other chemical contaminants from Malibu and other schools across the country. 

The group was borne out of frustration with the district earlier this year in the wake of environmental controversy at Malibu High School and Middle School when a group of teachers came forward with several health concerns last October, including three suffering from thyroid cancer, though it’s unknown if the cancer and contamination are linked. For more information, visit