Meet the City Council candidates

Missy (Kathleen) McSweeney-Zeitsoff

The Malibu Times sent a questionnaire to all seven Malibu City Council candidates. Each was limited to 75 words per answer. One profile will be printed, by ballot order, each week until March 29. Election Day is April 10.

Name: Missy (Kathleen) McSweeney-Zeitsoff

Birth Date: 7-3-1946

How long have you lived in Malibu?

Since 1976

What is your education and employment history?

I have taught as either a full-time or substitute teacher at Malibu Park Junior/Senior High School and each of the current Malibu elementary schools, as well as schools in Santa Barbara. I served previously on the Malibu City Council. I received a B.A. in English/Speech from UCLA; Secondary Teaching Credential in English/Social Studies from UCLA; Currently taking two classes at the Straus Institute at Pepperdine University on mediation and negotiation.

Why are you running for City Council?

 Many reasons. I have “unfinished business” to help the Best Little City in the World. I believed that cityhood would “Keep Malibu…Malibu,” but it has not done so. In fact, Malibu is at a critical crossroads, and if changes aren’t made immediately, a way of life will disappear forever. Too much building, proposed Civic Center sewers to accommodate all potential commercial and residential buildout, the lovely lagoon is slated for destruction.

What makes you qualified to be on the City Council?

I am uniquely qualified as a founding member of the Malibu City council, and as a Woman of the Year for our 41st Assembly District. I understand all levels of government, local, regional, and state. I also have a Malibu activist background, having worked with Save Our Coast and Mary Frampton and others on defeating the big sewer and creating a City of Malibu. I know how we all worked together on our goals, instead of having a staff in charge.

What, in your opinion, are the most important issues facing the city at this time?

Compromises on environmental protections, budget woes, overstretched city purchases and borrowing, bloated staff, deteriorating safety on PCH, stalling on the skate park, view ordinance, business and services diversity ordinance-on and on. These are all issues I will address proactively, creatively, and diligently.

What is your opinion of the Malibu Lagoon Restoration Project? Do you think it is a good idea or a bad idea?

I am against the Lagoon Restoration Project. It is based on old science, a FEIR from 2006, a group of enviros who are paid to support and implement a worthless, destructive to wildlife, business, traffic and human health project. It is a bad idea. It needs a complete do-over, or a no-project status.

What is your opinion of the city’s agreement with the regional water board to build a centralized wastewater treatment facility (i.e., sewage treatment) in the Civic Center?

 I am against the Civic Center sewer project forced upon us by the same State that is forcing the lagoon project upon us. The City has been spineless on both. Neither project is justified by scientific data. This system will be very expensive, growth-inducing, financially unfair and tied to the lagoon in some way. It must be stopped, or altered to serve the parties who require and desire improved sewage management.

Are you in favor of a city ordinance that would require shopping centers to preserve space for local “mom and pop” businesses or for services geared toward residents rather than visitors? Or do you think government involvement in business is counterproductive and that a “shop local” campaign or similar measure would be more effective?

I am 100% shop Malibu, 100% for service and small business equity in our commercial centers. Malibu has its special businesses that we love and support. There must be an ordinance that strikes a balance between chains and our mom and pops. Maybe we should consider an Economic Element for our General Plan. Healthy business protocol and best practices benefit us all.