Ask her for her name


A year or so ago you printed a letter asking who was the long-limbed lady on the mountain who daily walks Corral Canyon all the way to the top. You referred to her as the Mystery Woman of the Mountain. I wrote to you earlier this year asking if you’d learned any more about her but got no reply and she remained a mystery.

I saw the lady on the mountain again today. Or should I say the “superlady.” It’s hard to believe anyone could make that walk all the way up Corral Canyon. It seems to me to be an exhausting proposition. But she does it. I waved to her from my car as I always do whenever I see her and received that wonderful smile in return, accompanied by her hand-high wave in the air holding one of those weights she always carries.

And I’m not alone. It seems that every driver that sails past that blonde head, whether driving a Mercedes or a dump truck, waves to her, inviting that smile that lights up the whole road.

She is such an inspiration. And I want her to know she’s now get me up and walking, even though it’s on a smaller scale. And it feels terrific! I always hope I’m going to spot her when I’m driving that road because her energy gives me energy. It really gets me going. It’s contagious. Whoever she is and whatever she does that motivates her to make it up the mountain is now motivating me. And I sure would like her to know I think she’s awesome and I’m saying, “thank you.”

Melissa G. Ravan