Final election results


The provisional and absentee ballots not counted on the night of Election Day on April 8 were tallied during the next two days. One hundred ninety-two ballots were counted, with five ballots being disqualified because the county determined they were not from registered voters, City Clerk Lisa Pope said on Friday.

The final voting results are Pamela Conley Ulich, 2,127, Jefferson “Zuma Jay” Wagner 1,695, John Sibert 1,422, Kathy Wisnicki 1,398 and Susan Tellem, 1,167.

Of the 2,913 ballots cast, 73.02 percent were votes for Conley Ulich. Wagner’s name was chosen on 58.19 percent of the ballots. Sibert garnered 48.82 percent support, Wisnicki received 47.99 percent and Tellem had 40.06 percent.

Measure D, which decreased the city’s telephone utility tax from 5 percent to 4.5 percent, while leaving open the possibility of increasing the number of taxable communications, received support from 63.29 percent of the voters. Measure E, which calls for the City Council to pursue a viewshed protection ordinance, had 60.33 percent approval.

Pamela Conley Ulich

Total 2,127

Percentage 73.02

Precint votes

Provisional Ballots 57

Dukes 305

Library 174

Malibu West Swim Club 313

Malibu High 207

St Aidan’s 387

Pt. Dume Elementary 456

Bluffs Park 228

John Sibert

Total 1,422

Percentage 48.82

Provisional Ballots 26

Dukes 251

Library 117

Malibu West Swim Club 214

Malibu High 141

St Aidan’s 235

Pt. Dume Elementary 267

Bluffs Park 171

Susan M. Tellem

Total 1,167

Percentage 40.06

Provisional Ballots 33

Dukes 148

Library 110

Malibu West Swim Club 194

Malibu High 150

St Aidan’s 192

Pt. Dume Elementary 236

Bluffs Park 104

Kathy Wisnicki

Total 1,398

Percentage 47.99

Provisional Ballots 29

Dukes 226

Library 107

Malibu West Swim Club 219

Malibu High 127

St Aidan’s 244

Pt. Dume Elementary 279

Bluffs Park 167

Jefferson “Zuma Jay” Wagner

Total 1,695

Percentage 58.19

Provisional Ballots 45

Dukes 221

Library 158

Malibu West Swim Club 277

Malibu High 203

St Aidan’s 288

Pt. Dume Elementary 333

Bluffs Park 170

Total registered voters: 8,280

Measure D: 1,657 (63.29%)

Measure E: 1,624(60.33%)

Total ballots cast: 2,913

*The 29.09% turnout stated in last week’s newspaper was incorrect due to an error by the city with the

information it provided.