Failed leadership


Fifty more coalition troops killed today! The tragic, messy Iraq War goes on, American troops, supplies and body armor are still in short supply and our President claims success. Afghanistan is unstable, Al Qaeda rebuilds and opium production is at record highs. In 2001, George W. Bush was warned and warned again of an impending terrorist attack on America and he retreated to his ranch to chop wood and play golf rather than alerting the military and law enforcement. The water, the air, the sick and the truly needy are at risk under this President as money is valued more than people. Castigating liberals and other concerned citizens is not a strategy to protect national security nor is it a way to improve domestic strength. This President has badly failed the American people.

The election on Nov. 2 is our opportunity to vote “no” on a referendum on this president and to vote for a fine man, John Kerry, as our next president who, first and foremost, stands for people.

Ralph Erickson