Coastal Cleanup Day in Malibu Is a Success

Volunteers at the coastal cleanup event at Leo Carrillo State Beach in 2018.

Heal the Bay’s annual Coastal Cleanup Day saw impressive results here in Malibu. 

“In total, we had 106 participants and approximately 15 event support people (plus the fabulous Leo Carrillo park staff and lifeguards), and picked up 92 pounds of trash & 28 pounds of recycling,” Geoff Walsh, the Leo Carrillo State Beach site captain for underwater cleanup, wrote in an email to The Malibu Times.

The Leo Carrillo cleanup specifically was sponsored by PCH Scub and California Wildlife Center, which were also joined by Santa Monica-based In 2 Deep Diving and Ocean Defenders Alliance.

Unfortunately, volunteers were not able to dive for trash as the surf was higher than usual, according to Walsh.

“All in all, response to the event location was fantastic, with groups coming from as far away as Orange County,” he added.