Stage presence


    Writing as a private citizen and not as artistic director of Malibu Stage, I would like to correct a false impression created by your report on the company’s appearance at a recent council meeting. Referring to a statement made by David Weintraub, it was reported that there were “plans to ask Marowitz and his wife to resign from the board.” The fact is, at an Executive Board meeting held sometime in August, I voluntarily agreed to become an ex-officio member of the board as soon as plans for the replenishment and expansion of the board were put into motion. Since that has now been agreed, I have no qualms whatsoever about becoming “ex-officio” and, in fact, have voluntarily done so. Jane Windsor, due to a heavily increased work schedule, expressed her desire to resign from the board over a year ago but, in the interests of the theater, agreed to serve until the new board was in place.

    Every newspaper, whether local or national, has a touch of the National Enquirer about it these days, and we know this feeds the appetite of those readers who prefer entertainment to hard news stories. Disagreements about priorities and practices are de rigeuer when five or more persons get together to formulate policy. (I refer you to our own City Council which, since cityhood, has been the scene of more carnage than ever attended the American Civil War). I am not one of those people who is horrified by differences of opinion. In the pursuit of worthwhile endeavors, I embrace conflicts which come from the heart. If people didn’t care deeply, they wouldn’t shout loudly.

    Charles Marowitz