Zero Fatal Accidents Reported on PCH This Summer

Motorcycle Deputy

During Monday’s Malibu City Council meeting, Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station Lt. Jennifer Seetoo released crime and traffic statistics, including the announcement of a significant decrease in traffic collisions: Injury traffic collisions decreased 42 percent and noninjury collisions decreased 14 percent compared to last year. This was also the first summer in five years there were no fatal injuries on Malibu roads.

So far, there have been 329 crimes reported in total, compared to 416 as of the same date in 2018.

For this year to date, Lt. Seetoo said there was one homicide, three forcible rape cases, 12 robberies, 16 aggravated assaults, 59 commercial and residential burglaries, 221 larcenies or thefts, 14 grand thefts and three arsons. That’s compared to last year’s numbers: one homicide, seven forcible rapes, nine robberies, 20 aggravated assaults, 75 burglaries, 276 cases of larceny or theft, 27 grand thefts, and one arson. 

Although residential and commercial burglaries have decreased, vehicle burglaries remain the same with 106 compared to last year with 109.

“We keep doing PSAs on KBUU and other local media outlets about surfers: Don’t hide your keys on your wheel well. They know that trick … be vigilant,” Seetoo said. “Don’t leave your purse in the front seat, hide it in the trunk.”

Seetoo said this is the first year the department implemented a traffic enforcement team that started on Memorial Day Weekend. 

“This is the first year in over five years we’ve had zero fatalities over the summer,” Seetoo said. “So we’re really happy about that.”

Seetoo said she hopes the public will continue to partner with the sheriff’s station.

“I think it really helps with the non visibility and extra enforcement and partnering with local businesses to be a part of the solution,” she said.