Epic Weekend On Tap: Hot with Good Waves – Burglars Used Uber – Hang Glider Violations


We’re going to have an epic Malibu weekend …

Surf is coming up in Malibu this weekend …. seven foot waves.

And a mild Santa Ana is coming … with 85 degree temperatures on the beaches.

And here’s Johnny house .. for sale on Point Dume … 81 point 5 million.


This is Malibu’s only local daily news.

It’s the   ((((  Thursday ))) news … from Radio Malibu  …. 97 point 5 K B U.

Good morning Cottontail Lane!

Elevated Surf Elevates Local Spirits

After weeks of being in the doldrums … it looks like surf is goign to be up in Malibu.

The National Weather Service has issued a coastal hazard warning.


Surf should start creeping up tonight … with the best waves Saturday.

All weekend should be good.

Low tide is about 3:30 this afternoon … so the sunset waves should

County Going After Motorized Hang Glider Service

A motorized hang glider has resumed afternoon flights above Malibu … and the sheriff’s department says it has been unable to stop it.

It appears that the motorized hang glider is taking off from a private street near Saddle peak…. with passengers hooked up for a ride down to Carbon Beach,

And that’s against the law.

In 2008 .. a motorized hang glider crashed and caused a brush fire at Bluffs Park.

And … a motorized hang glider crashed and killed the pilot a few weeks after that.

The L-A county sheriff’s office Lieutenant Jim Royal says it appears the ultralight company is back.


Royal tells KBUU that the FAA has one enforcement agent for Southern California … and needs to witness a flight to take action.

In order for the sheriff’s deputies to cite the pilot … they need to catch him … and even then … it’s a traffic ticket.

In years past …. we have reached out to the operator of Malibu Hanggliders for comment …. but have never received a return call.

The matter came up again last night … at the Malibu Public Safety Commission meeting.

Victoria Point Burglar  – Happy Uber Customer

Using Uber or Lyft is fast and convenient.

And a damn good way to get to and from a crime.

Sheriff’s deputies have now put together the timeline for the burglary that caused a SWAT team and helicopter to circle a neighborhood at Victoria Point last Monday morning.

There were no guns involved in the burglary … and it does not appear that several guns in a nearby home were the target of the thieves.

Two men apparently took Uber to the neighborhood … then randomly broke in to a home on Sea Level Drive East at 4:30

They first broke into a house with a person inside … and abandoned that one.

They then broke into an unoccupied house … gathered up the loot.

Deputies surrounded the house in a low crawl … and ordered the men to surrender.

Instead … the burglars jumped over a balcony and onto a lawn.

One ran into the night …. and sheriff’s deputies believe he used his phone to drop a pin and be picked up by Uber.

The other ran up a hill … then back into the garden when he realized he was surrounded.

He was brought down by a deputy shooting a less-than-lethal weapon.

Sheriff’s deputies say they are now confronted with the fact that an anonymous getaway car can be summoned electronically to an exact location.

The second suspect is still free … but sheriff’s deputies say the case is developing … stay tuned for more.


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … 97.5 K B U.  ((( time  ))))

Malibu High Test Scores Improve, District Says

The Santa Monica Malibu school district says the latest round of student achievement tests shows … local students continue to outpace their peers in Los Angeles County and California.

The state data was released last night.

The figures show that 59 percent of students at malibu High either meet or exceed the math requirements.

That compares to about 54 percent of the kids at Santa Monica High.

In English Arts and Literacy … 77 percent of the kids at malibu High met or exceeded the state standard.

At Samohi … 83 percent met or exceeded the state standard.

That’s way ahead of the average both for L A County schools … and the state average.

The Santa Monica Malibu School District showed gains in English language arts /

literacy … and mathematics … in all grades except eighth grade, *where lower math scores

reflect an exclusion of more than 60 student scores from state reporting this year, causing the

appearance of a decline from seventh to eighth grades and compared to last year’s eighth

Gate Open After Huge Battle With Malibu Implications

In a significant victory for beach access law in California … the gates to Martins Beach were unlocked yesterday.

The billionaire landowner who had blocked access to a beach near Half Moon Bay opened the gate …  two days after the coastal commission filed legal papers demanding he comply with a court order.

The road and beach had been open for years before a wealthy Silicon Valley venture capitalist named Vinod Khosla bought the land … and without permits …. installed a gate.

The Surfrider Foundation says this probably isn’t the end of a decade-long battle over the sandy cove.

The case may go up to the U-S Supreme Court.

The issue … is continued public access across private land to the beach … a right guaranteed under the California constitution … an illegal taking of land under the U-S constitution.

Here’s Johnny’s House: $81.5 Million

The real estate trades are buzzing with news that Johnny Carson’s beachfron estate over Little Dume Beach is for sale for the first time on 10 years.

The king of late night T V for generations for nearly 20 years in the house . just west of Paradise Cove.

The asking price now is 81.5 million dollars..

The home was built in 1978 by architect Ed Niles.

The main house offers two bedrooms, two master baths—his and hers.

The guest house: two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a gym.

Outside, a waterfall, Koi pond, and saltwater pool offer a relaxing retreat from the California heat.

And the standout feature is a championship tennis court with viewing area where Carson enjoyed countless matches. There’s even a bench from Wimbledon gifted to Carson by NBC.

The house is listed for sale for the first time in 10 years.



Traffic …


Weather for the Malibu ….

It will be ((((   Sunny, with a high near 77    )))) degrees today on the beach … ((((   90    )))) in the mountains above Malibu.

Winds will be strong.

Downcoast winds will be   (((  at around 25  )))) miles per hour this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((   6:31    )))).

After that … expect it to be (((  clear  )))) tonight … a low of  ((((  58  )))) on the beach … down to  ((((  53   )))) in the mountains.

Tomorrow should be   ((((  hot … 85 on the beach and 95 in the mountains… with mild Santa Ana winds coming over the moutnains.   )))).

Right now … at Trancas it’s ((((    58    )))) degrees.

In upper Malibu Canyon … ((((   66    )))) .

And at Civic Center Los Angeles … ((((    59  )))).

In the ocean … it’s ((((    63   )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves right now are   ((((  : 1-2 Ankle to knee high

Minor NW wind swell.  Favorable AM conditions with building Westerly sea breeze throughout PM

1-2   )))) feet high ….

((((    ))))

Those are ((((  fair )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

(((((  A high tide of nearly six feet will be at  9:33 in the morning.

Low tide is at 3:44.

Another five point 4 foot high tide will crest at 9:51.   ))))


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