KBU Newswire Wednesday, Jan. 25 2016



All roads open … except Topanga Canyon Boulevard.

Major menu changes at Malibu High.


This is Malibu’s only local daily news.

It’s the  Wednesday edition … from Radio Malibu  …. 97 point 5 K B U.


Topanga Canyon Boulevard remains closed … maybe another day or two.

Southern California Edison has rescheduled its storm repair work on P C H to night hours. 

One westbound lane of PCH will be closed early tomorrow morning from 1 AM to 6 AM.

This will be just west of the signals at Rambla Pacifico. 

Edison advises that residents in the area may experience intermittent power interruptions during the overnight work hours.

The week-long HIGH SURF ADVISORY expires at  9 oclock THIS MORNING…




No more pizza by the slice at the high school.

Corn Nuts??? 86.

The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District has made some important changes to food

services at th eschool cafeterias. 

The new standards focus on snack foods and beverages sold to children during the school day at school “snack bars.”

The new “Smart Snacks” standards, means that parents can count on their students making

healthy choices for snacks and beverages purchased from the ala carte cart, school stores and

vending machines. 

It also means that students may no longer see some of their favorite snack


Chips, beverages, corn nuts and other snacks that do not meet nutrient requirements due to calorie, sodium, fat and sugar limits.

Pizza slices, chicken sandwiches and burritos will no longer be available aat the snack bars.

These items will still be offered as part of the full lunch meal… and if eaten with the rest of the lunch … will meet specific lunch standards.

That’s … if th ekid east the lunch and doesn’t just cherry pick the pizza.

Over the past year, SMMUSD has made notable changes to the daily lunch offerings to include

more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. With the launch of the Smart Snacks program the

district can ensure that kids are offered tasty and nutritious foods during the school day, both in

the cafeteria and at snack bars.




Southern California Gas Co. has started pulling natural gas out of its Aliso Canyon storage facility.

The underground storage area in the northwest San Fernando Valley was th esite fo a massive leak last year … one of the biggest environmental disasters in L A County history.  

The gas leak caused hundred of homes to be evacuated  for months.

Higher gas demand caused by colder weather has led to a possible shortage of fuel in the Los Angeles region.  

69 percent of the area’s electricity comes from natural gas . although much of that is generated outside the LA area 

SoCal Gas has been asking its 21.6 million customers to reduce their natural gas use amid the cold to prevent possible gas and electricity shortages.

A moratorium has been in place on injections at Aliso Canyon … but state regulators allow the utility to withdraw gas from wells that have passed inspections under certain conditions to ensure energy reliability.

This s the first time in a year gas has been withdrawn from the storage area … which is just 25 miles away from Malibu. 


L-A County sheriff’s deputies have created a drone unit. 

The law enforcement agency … which serves Malibu … votes to only use the aerial cameras at emergencies … like hostage situations or rescues. 

But the county board of supervisors is worried that drones can be used for more controversial purposes. 

Supervisor Hilda Solis said yesterday that flying cameras have in the past been used for warrantless surveillance and sometimes without notice to the public.

The county Board of Supervisors yesterday voted to ask the independent Inspector General’s office provide the public with more transparency about the drone program.

Earlier … Sheriff Jim McDonnell said he knows people have concerns.

“We will not be using it to spy on the public,” the sheriff said.

“The public will be able to easily identify the unmanned aircraft when it is deployed. It is clearly and brightly marked.”

A group called the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition has been able to stop the Los Angeles Police Department from acquiring drones.


Crowds at the Womens March on Saturday set a record … on the Los angeles Metro system.

Metro Rail carried a total of 592,000 boarding passengers.

That’s 360,000 more riders than on a typical Saturday. 

Los Angeles Police Department estimates placed the crowd at 100,000.

Event organizers pegged that number at more than 750,000.——


Many people in Malibu are upset to learn that new cellular antennas are going up in their neighborhoods. 

This news from the Coastal Commission may not be much help.

The commission staff has recommended in favor of a new type of cell phone antenna …. as not violating Coastal laws.

Crown Castle has come up with a new type of cellphone antenna … … which they put on top of the wooden poles … above the wires.

With this  … a typical pole that is 43 feet high can grow to 53 feet high … and then sprout three four foot high antennas.

Imagine that in your ocean view.

Some people in Santa Cruz County imagined that …  and asked the Coastal Commisison to rule that the higher poles violate the Santa Cruz LCP.

No dice … says commission staff.

It goes up for a vote next month.


Traffic …


Weather for the Malibu ….

It will be ((((   sunny and cold … high near 55  )))) degrees today on the beach … ((((    55   )))) inland. 

Winds will be gentle. 

Downcoast winds will be   (((  5 )))) miles per hour this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((   5:17    )))).

After that … expect it to be (((  clear and cold   )))) tonight … a low of  ((((  just 38 degrees  )))) on the beach … down to  ((((   30  )))) in the canyons.

There is a frost advisory for tonight in the Santa Monica Mountains.

Tomorrow should be   ((((  sunny and again cold.

No rain in the forecast for the next seven days.   )))).

At 9 o’clock … it’s ((((    47   )))) at Trancas.

((((    40   )))) in upper Malibu Canyon.

And it’s ((((    44   ))) at Civic center Los Angeles. 

In the ocean … it’s ((((   54    )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((  4-7’ high.

There’s a lingering WNW swell mix and improved winds and weather. 

Deep AM high tide.    )))) 

Those are ((((  fair )))) conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

(((((  A Low tide is at 2:36 this afternoon.

A 4-foot high tide comes up tonight at 9.   ))))


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