Repaving Work Scheduled for Yerba Buena, Deer Creek

Ventura County Public Works

Some of the roads in the far western side of Malibu—in unincorporated Ventura County—are due to be repaved following the effects of the Woolsey Fire and proceeding rainstorms that damaged much of the infrastructure in the area.

According to Ventura County Public Works, the transportation department will begin work in June 2019 to resurface roads in the Yerba Buena area including Deer Creek Road, Pacific View Road, Cotharin Road and the northerly six miles of Yerba Buena Road reaching to the Los Angeles County Line.

“With the recent fire and loss of vegetation, these roads had little protection from a heavy rainy season,” a press release from the department described. “The erosive effects from runoff resulted in the accelerated deterioration of the roadway surface, damaged shoulders and limited access.”

Yerba Buena Road “will be open in its entirety before and during this paving project.”

The project, slated to conclude in September of this year, is estimated to cost about $4 million, with money coming from SB1 funds. 

“The goal of the new surface will be to improve road conditions and increase the safety of residents and the visiting public, as well as extending the life of the roadway,” David Fleisch, VC Public Works transportation director, said in a prepared statement provided to The Malibu Times. “In addition to the new roadway surface, the project will include many site-specific improvements designed to extend the stability and durability of the roadway, including drainage and erosion control measures, and a first-class two-layer surface treatment projected to last at least 20 years.”