Letter: Clearing the Air

Letter to the Editor

The following was sent as a letter to the SMMUSD Board.

In light of the recent disclosures of high levels of toxins at both MHS and Juan Cabrillo, it is imperative that the SMMUSD Board clear up a rumor that has been circulated within Malibu by district staff.

District staff has repeatedly told Malibu residents and representatives of the EPA that the district is not able to immediately start the removal of PCBs at the schools due to a Coastal Commission appeal introduced by the Malibu Community Alliance (MCA). This representation is not accurate.

The MCA appeal at the Coastal Commission only concerns the district’s plans for lighting on the MHS campus. It has nothing to do with plans to remodel any of the school buildings. The Coastal Commission understands our lighting concerns and asked the district to deliver an updated lighting plan to the Commission. Despite promising 10 months ago that this new lighting plan was forthcoming, it has still not yet been delivered. So today our appeal is still active.

In 2013 when the MCA learned of the toxin problem at MHS, we immediately communicated with the district and the Coastal Commission informing them that we would cooperate with the district to ensure our appeal did not hinder any efforts necessary to remediate toxins found at the high school. We have never deviated from that position.

The district is solely in control as to when it will begin any necessary remediation efforts at MHS and Juan Cabrillo. We encourage you to direct your staff to be more truthful in future conversations with the public and with government officials.

We also encourage you to comprehensively test all possible contaminated source material immediately and devise a thorough remediation plan with complete transparency as to the use of the bond funds.

We are certain you agree that sending teachers and young children into classrooms that are harmful to their health would be unconscionable.

Thank you in advance for your consideration of this matter.

Cami Winikoff

President, Malibu Community Alliance