Amate Art Workshop Comes to Malibu

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The Malibu Senior Center will be holding an Aboriginal “Amate” Art Workshop on Friday, July 18, at 1:00 PM.

Amate Art was a popular form of art during the Aztec Empire. This pre-Hispanic art form is traditionally on special paper, and it was used to keep records, make communication, and hold ritual during that time. 

Those who sign up for the workshop will explore the art form and paint on Amate bark paper.

This workshop will be held at the Malibu Senior Center. Cost for the class is $15 per person plus a $10 materials fee due to the instructor on the day of the class.

A minimum of five participants must RSVP by July 16 for the class to occur. 

To register, please contact the Malibu Senior Center at 310.456.2489 ext. 357