Astrology Forecast for July 14-27
By Cortney Litwin/ Staff Writer
Romantic electricity ignites Eros when Venus collides with carefree Uranus on the 30th-31st. However, a dampening Mars-Saturn influence at the same time assures that relationships (and business alliances) won’t ignore more serious issues such as commitment and responsibility. Planetary energies swing back to uncertainty when nebulous Neptune opposes Mercury on Aug. 1-2 and the sun on Aug. 8, a terrific time for endeavors that require heightened imagination, but dooming for facts and details. Next, the new moon in Leo on Aug. 4 injects new energy into leadership, creativity and expressions of love. Relationships can undergo a significant transformation when Venus squares off with Pluto on Aug. 9-10, a time for facing difficult intimacy issues.
If you know your rising sign from your time of birth, read that also.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
You may feel as if someone hit the brakes on your plans, which may require some restructuring July 31-Aug. 2. The new moon on the 4th will assure that your creativity soars in spite of setbacks. Romance should start sizzling then, too.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
A jolt to your emotions from a love interest may spark some needed changes in your personal life at the end of July, and then again around Aug. 9-10. On a lighter note, the new moon will offer some new family opportunities.
Gemini (May 21-June 21)
You may feel restless in your home environment around the 30th, but it’s best to wait until after the confusing Neptune influences of Aug. 1-8 to initiate any changes. The new moon energizes communications and road trips.
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Be on the lookout for financial opportunities accompanied by the new moon, and for about two weeks afterward. However, you’ll need to pay special attention to money details from Aug. 1-8, when Neptune’s trickster influence intrudes.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
The new moon in your sign heralds a new cycle in your personal life, which may take a slow-and-steady pace but will eventually give you substantial blessings. Neptune may present a challenge in keeping a clear head from Aug. l-8.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
An unexpected development with your sweetie around July 31 may culminate in a necessary transformation in your relationship by the middle of August. The new moon encourages you to clean out negativity about the past.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
You may feel antsy for a personal change at the end of July, with the temptation to take a drastic step in that direction by mid-August. Your ideals and aspirations are undergoing a change, especially after the new moon.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
A romantic relationship may hit a temporary speed bump around July 31 that will spark some changes by mid-August. The new moon signifies a new cycle in your career, if you can break through Neptune’s foggy intrusion Aug. 1-8.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
The new moon encourages education and will illuminate your spiritual aspirations, so pay attention to your intuition. Avoid going to extremes in your primary relationship Aug. 9-10, although some changes may be necessary.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Romance is temporarily derailed at the end of July, which may cause you to reevaluate your commitment. The new moon will bring a fresh cycle in love and will also assist you in the financial arena, if you can hang onto your clarity.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Love may get hit with an unexpected curveball at the end of July, which may bring a startling development in your current relationship or bring in a new (temporary?) love interest. The new moon further energizes partnerships.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Perhaps it’s time to surprise your sweetie with a romantic adventure at the end of July, when a Venus-Uranus hookup says it’s time for a change. The new moon will bring fresh energy to your health regimen and encourages charity work.