Letter: Twenty Minutes’ Time

Letter to the Editor

Twenty minutes. The time it takes to make breakfast. I am asking for 20 minutes of your time to help ensure that Malibu’s future children, families and the entire community will benefit from locally controlled, independent public schools that reflect our community values.

I need you to spend 20 minutes completing the city’s online survey at MalibuCity.org/MUSDSurvey by Nov. 12.

The survey is part of the city’s visioning project to develop a set of community values to serve as a roadmap for the proposed Malibu Unified School District.

The visioning project is a crucial part of Malibu’s decades-long effort to create its own school district so that students in Malibu will have the same access to programs, classes, teachers and facilities that the Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District offers to students in schools in Santa Monica.

I am grateful to live in a place where people are passionately and actively engaged in making this a better place to live, work, play and raise families. I know that everyone in Malibu wants what is best for our children and our community. So I urge you to take 20 minutes to complete the survey and make sure that our future school district will be a reflection of our community.

For more information about the city’s effort to create an independent school district and see how you can get involved, visit MalibuCity.org/MUSD. 

This is a moment when we can determine our own fate, and that is something that is in Malibu’s DNA.

Mikke Pierson

Malibu City Council