CHP Investigating Sunday PCH Fatality

California Highway Patrol

A man was killed after his vehicle went over the cliff into the Pacific Ocean near Deer Creek Road and Pacific Coast Highway on Sunday night, April 7. 

The victim—identified as 29-year-old Richard Seo, according to the Ventura

County Star—was driving westbound in a 2008 Toyota FJ Cruiser on Pacific Coast Highway. Around 7:35 p.m., a statement from the California Highway Patrol said, Seo “veered to the left, traversing the southbound [westbound] traffic lanes and onto the dirt shoulder.

“The Toyota continued off the shoulder down a[n] embankment, to the Pacific Ocean.” 

It is still unclear why Seo veered across the lanes, or whether there were any other vehicles involved, by the time The Malibu Times went to print on Tuesday, April 9. CHP did confirm there were no other passengers in the Toyota.

Seo was confirmed dead at the scene by fire department personnel.

Anyone who witnessed or has information about the incident should contact the CHP, Ventura area office, at 805.662.2640.