Letter: Malibu Pride

Letter to the Editor

Steve Fazio, a Republican running against Malibu’s Henry Stern to replace Fran Pavley in the State Senate, has recently assaulted the airwaves with a series of hit piece ads deriding Stern’s “life of privilege” because he “grew up in Malibu” (with a derisive sneer in the voice of the speaker), and “was sent to an Ivy League school” (spoken with the same derision). 

Yes, Stern did grow up in Malibu — and he is proud of it and we are proud of him — and he did go to an ivy league university (Harvard, as well as Berkeley’s Boalt Law School). So what? Should we elect to office someone who runs disgusting ads like those run by Fazio?  I think not. 

Ted Vaill

Vice President Malibu Democratic Club