Malibu Cultural Arts Commission to hold inaugural meeting

Legacy Park's surfer statue

The Malibu Cultural Arts Commission will hold its first ever meeting at Malibu City Hall on Tuesday at 6 p.m in the community room.

The Cultural Arts Commission is the result of a two-year study by the city’s Arts Task Force to make recommendations to the Malibu City Council on arts policy, use of city parks for arts-related events, purchases of art by the city and outreach to Malibu artists, according to the planning department. 

Actor and commission member Daniel Stern said that one of the tent poles of the commission would be a strong volunteer staff, with committees that can be “chopped up into bite-size pieces” and give everyone interested a chance to add to the puzzle of an arts identity in Malibu. 

Commissioners Eric Myer, Scott Hosfeld, Suzanne Zimmer and Richard Gibbs will serve alongside Stern, with Graeme Clifford serving as an ex-officio member. 

The commission met as The Malibu Times went to press.

Melonie Magruder contributed to this report.