Updated: Small Brushfire Breaks Out in Latigo Canyon

A small brush fire broke out near Latigo Canyon Road on Wednesday afternoon.

[Update: 2:57 p.m.]: The brush fire has been successfully put out, according to an alert from the City of Malibu.

A small brushfire broke out near the 900 block of Latigo Canyon Road on Wednesday, Sept. 9 at about 1:30 p.m., according to the Los Angeles County Fire Department.

There are as of 2 p.m. no evacuations and no structures threatened due to the blaze.

Around 150 personnel are on scene fighting the half-acre fire, with the aid of several aircraft including “super scoopers.”

“We do have our super scoopers out there as well as other aircraft,” LACoFD Inspector Chris Reade told The Malibu Times Wednesday afternoon. 

The fire is spreading downhill in medium brush, which is around six feet high, but headway is being made.

“Right now we are making headway using those helicopters and aircraft to knock it down,” Reade said.