Letter: NIMBY Nonsense

Letter to the Editor

In response to “Community struggles with tackling jetliner noise” published on Nov. 1

While I do not wish any ill will toward our neighbors, I have been enjoying the peace and quiet in Corral Canyon. I have noticed a sharp drop in the number of planes passing overhead, and the wildlife in our area are sleeping much better. I think Solstice and Corral Canyons are healthier for it. Mayor Mullen appears concerned that the evil empire FedEx backed this plan and that by being more efficient, it is saving money from this change in air traffic and I can only assume profiting from it. (I think the LACFD [LA County Fire Department] could learn a thing or two from FedEx—$400,000/year firemen, ridiculous! I am sure the Corral Canyon Fire Safety Alliance looks forward to your next generous donation.) 

The article also states that in addition to saving money, FedEx is reducing its carbon footprint and fossil fuel usage. I have no idea if this is true, but if it is true, I would think that reducing your carbon footprint and reducing your fossil fuel usage are good things. I thought that was a major goal of most Americans? Every election season it is important? The noise pollution will exist as long as the planes fly; it is just a matter of location. My neighbors would prefer to not have it over their house, I would prefer not to have it over mine. So, unless you are suggesting a drastic reduction in the total number of planes into LAX, our reliance on two-day delivery of goods from across the world and less planes to Camarillo, Van Nuys, Burbank and Santa Monica, your argument rings hollow in my ears. The only way to reduce noise pollution caused by planes is to reduce the number of planes flying or develop new technology. This just sounds like more not-in-my-backyard politics.

Norton Smith