Sirens: Malibu Crime Report, July 3-7

    Crime Report

    The following crimes were reported in Malibu between July 3 through July 7:

    7/3 Vehicle Burglary by the beach

    A victim reported their passenger window smashed and multiple items stolen between 3-4:30 p.m. on Pacific Coast Highway.  Two purses, prescription glasses, an iPhone and $150 in currency was stolen from the vehicle.  Damages are reported totaling $960.

    7/3-7/8 Bayberry Burglary

    Officers responded to a burglary call on Bayberry Ln on July 8.  The victim reported coming home to a ransacked house, but didn’t notice anything missing.  The suspect is believed to have entered through a broken sliding front door. Video surveillance of the scene was received and under review at the Lost Hills Sheriff’s station.

    7/7 Mailbox Mischief

    A resident on Zumirez Road reported vandalism of property after finding their wooden mailbox knocked off it’s post and on the ground early Monday morning.

    7/7 Grand Theft Auto

    A 2014 Jeep Patriot was reported stolen from a driveway on Bailand Road.  The car was unlocked and keys had been left in the car overnight. The suspect used credit cards left in the vehicle and made purchases at Jack in the Box and Circle K in Oxnard, CA.

    7/7 House Call

    A victim on Carbon Mesa Road reportedly heard noises from a bedroom upstairs. The bedroom door had been left open and was now shut and the window was found open. Victim believes suspect was interrupted and nothing was stolen.